본문 바로가기

asp User Function

by MindOpener 2016. 2. 1.



'# config 파일과 함께 환경설정 변수의 값을 결정합니다.

'# config 파일에서 사용되는 기본적인 함수를 포함하고 있습니다.

'# 2006.11.9 진재복 수정하였음


'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 권한 체크 함수

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_level_check(cm_level,check_level)


select case check_level

case "aa"   '#최고관리자레벨

if cm_level = "aa" then

level_check_yn = "Y"

end if

case "bb"  '#중앙관리자

if (cm_level = "aa") or (cm_level = "bb") then

level_check_yn = "Y"

end if

case "ee"  '#관리자(총무,기획)

if (cm_level = "aa") or (cm_level = "bb") or (cm_level = "ee") then

level_check_yn = "Y"

end if

case "kk"  '#직원

if (cm_level = "aa") or (cm_level = "bb") or (cm_level = "ee") or (cm_level = "kk") then

level_check_yn = "Y"

end if

case "pp"  '#윤등회원

if (cm_level = "aa") or (cm_level = "bb") or (cm_level = "ee") or (cm_level = "kk") or (cm_level = "pp") then

level_check_yn = "Y"

end if

case "xx"  '#일반회원

if (cm_level = "aa") or (cm_level = "bb")  or (cm_level = "ee") or (cm_level = "kk") or (cm_level = "pp") or (cm_level = "xx") then

level_check_yn = "Y"

end if

case "zz"  '#비회원은 모두 Y이다

level_check_yn ="Y"

case else


end select


end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 확장자를 제외한 파일명 구하기

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_php_self_filename(uri)






end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 확장자를 제외한 파일명 구하기

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_php_self_dirname(uri)





end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 태그사용 불가능 뷰

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function print_htmltag_yesno(cf_allow_html)

if cf_allow_html="Y" then

response.write("<font size=2>(태그<font color=red>가능</font>)</font>")


response.write("<font size=2>(태그<font color=red>불가</font>)</font>")

end if

end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 스크립트창

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function error_msg(msg,action,target)

if target = "" then

target = "window"

end if

response.write "<script language='javascript'>"

if msg <> "" then

response.write "alert("""&msg&""");"

end if

if action = "" then

response.write ""

elseif action = "-1" or action = "back" then

response.write "history.back();"

elseif action = "close" then

response.write target&".close();"

elseif action = "reload" then

response.write target&".location.reload(true);"


response.write target&".location.href='"&action&"'"

end if

response.write "</script>"

end function

function popup_msg(msg)

response.write("<script language='javascript'>")

response.write("alert(""" & msg & """);")



end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 날짜구하기

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_date(dtype)

tm_yy =year(now)

tm_mm = 0&month(now)

tm_mm = right(tm_mm,2)

tm_dd = 0&day(now)

tm_dd = right(tm_dd,2)

tm_hh = 0&hour(now)

tm_hh = right(tm_hh,2)

tm_mi = 0&minute(now)

tm_mi = right(tm_mi,2)

tm_ss = 0&second(now)

tm_ss = right(tm_ss,2)

select case dtype

case "yy"

        tm_value = tm_yy

case "mm"

        tm_value = tm_mm

case "dd"

        tm_value = tm_dd

case "ymd"

        tm_value = tm_yy & tm_mm & tm_dd

case "ymdhms"

        tm_value =tm_yy&tm_mm&tm_dd&tm_hh&tm_mi&tm_ss

end select

get_date = tm_value

end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 접속자 아이피

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_ip()

tm_ip = request.servervariables("remote_host")

get_ip = tm_ip

end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 접속자 아이디

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_id()

ck_cm_id = request.cookies("CK_CM_ID")

if ck_cm_id <> "" then

tm_id = ck_cm_id

end if

get_id = tm_id

end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 접속자 명 구하기

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_nm()

ck_cm_nm = request.cookies("CK_CM_NM")

if ck_cm_nm <> "" then

tm_nm = ck_cm_nm

end if

get_nm = tm_nm

end function

function get_check_value(check)

if check <> "" then

tm_check ="Y"


tm_check ="N"

end if

get_check_value = tm_check

end function

function get_check_gender(check)

if check = "M" then

tm_check ="남"


tm_check ="여"

end if

get_check_gender = tm_check

end function


' DB 값 가져오기

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 단일 레코드값 가져오기

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_value_db(sql)

set get_rs = conn.execute(sql)

if not get_rs.eof then

my_value = get_rs(0)

end if

set get_rs = nothing

get_value_db = my_value

end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# MAX 값 가져오기

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_maxvalue_db(sql)

set get_rs = conn.execute(sql)

if not get_rs.eof then

my_value = get_rs(0)

end if

set get_rs = nothing

if isnull(my_value) then

my_value = 1


my_value = my_value + 1

end if

get_maxvalue_db = my_value

end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# COUNT 가져오기

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_count_db(sql)

set get_rs = conn.execute(sql)

if not get_rs.eof then

my_value = get_rs(0)

end if

set get_rs = nothing

if isnull(my_value) then

my_value = 0

end if

get_count_db = my_value

end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 회원 이름 가져오기

'# field : 필드명 id : 아이디

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_member_db(field,id)

sql = "select "&field&" from " & cf_table_mem_nm & " where cm_id='"&id&"'"

set get_rs = conn.execute(sql)

if not get_rs.eof then

my_value = get_rs(0)

end if

set get_rs = nothing

get_member_db = my_value

end function

' *--- execute ----*

function execute_db(sql)


end function

' DB 값 가져오기 끝



' 문자열 관련

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 문자열 변환

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function set_replace(str,rtype)

if str <> "" then

select case rtype

case "br"             ' *--- 개행처리  ---*

tm_value = replace(str,chr(10),"<br>")

case "html"           ' *--- html 제거  ---*




tm_value=replace(str," ","&nbsp;")

case "bind"           ' *--- ' -> ''  ---*

tm_value =replace(str,"'","''")

case "br_html"




tm_value=replace(str," ","&nbsp;")

tm_value = replace(str,chr(10),"<br>")

end select

end if

set_replace = tm_value

end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 날짜형식 변환

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function set_date(str,dtype)

if str <> "" then

select case dtype

case "ymd"

tm_value = left(str,4) &"-"& mid(str,5,2) &"-"& mid(str,7,2)

case "ymdhms"

tm_value = left(str,4) &"-"& mid(str,5,2) &"-"& mid(str,7,2) &" ( "  &_

mid(str,9,2) &":"& mid(str,11,2) &":"& mid(str,13,2) & " ) "

Case "ymd2"

tm_value = left(str,4) &"년 "& mid(str,5,2) &"월 "& mid(str,7,2) &"일"

Case "ym"

tm_value = Left(str,4) &"년 "& Mid(str,5,2) &"월"

end select

end if

set_date = tm_value

end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 숫자 포맷

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function set_formatnumber(value,size)

if value <> ""  then

tm_value = formatnumber(value,size)

end if

set_formatnumber = tm_value

end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 문자열 자르기

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function Str_Cut(named,cut_len)

name_len = len(named)

length = 0

orgin_name = ""

for i = 1 to name_len

a = mid(named,i,1)

if asc(a) < 0 then

length = length + 2


length = length + 1

end if

orgin_name = orgin_name + a

if length > cut_len then

orgin_name = orgin_name + "..."

exit for

end if


Str_Cut = orgin_name

end function

' 문자열 관련 끝



' 파일관련

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 폴더 생성

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function make_folder()

set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")



if fso.folderexists(ufolder) then


fso.createfolder ufolder

end if

end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 파일 삭제

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function file_delete(file_name)

set fso=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")


file=path&"\" & file_name

if fso.fileexists(file) then


end if

end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 파일업로드

'# fr_input_nm : 파일전송명 (스트링)

'# userfile :  콤포에서 받은 파일( userfile = upload.item("fr_input_nm")  )

'# attach_size : 파일사이즈

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function file_upload(fr_input_nm,userfile,attach_size)

' 확장자 구하기



'확장자 제한

if extention = "html" or extention = "asp" or extention ="exe" or extention = "bat" then

popup_msg("해당 파일은 첨부할수 없습니다.")


end if

'파일 사이즈 제한

cf_attach_size = cf_attach_size * 1000  ' 단위 :byte

if attach_size > cf_attach_size   then

popup_msg("첨부파일의 크기는" &cf_attach_size& " 미만입니다")


end if

' 실제 파일명 구하기

i= instrrev(userfile,"\")+1

userfile_name=mid(userfile,i)    '실제 파일명



set fso=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")


file1=path& "\" & userfile_name

'동일 파일 존재 확인

if fso.fileexists(file1) then

popup_msg("동일한 이름의 파일이 이미 존재합니다.")


end if

'파일 사이즈 단위 변경

'if attach_size > 1024 then

'attach_size=formatnumber(attach_size /1024 , 2 )&"   KB"


'attach_size=attach_size&"   byte"

'end if

'attach_size=formatnumber(attach_size / 1024,2)

uppath=path& "\" &userfile_name


file_upload = userfile_name

end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 파일 업로드

'# fr_input_nm : 파일전송명 (스트링)

'# userfile :  콤포에서 받은 파일( userfile = upload.item("fr_input_nm")  )

'# attach_size : 파일사이즈

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function file_upload2(fr_input_nm,userfile,attach_size,idx)



'확장자 제한

if  extention = "html" or extention = "asp" or extention ="exe" or extention = "bat" then

popup_msg("해당 파일은 첨부할수 없습니다.")


end if

'파일 사이즈 제한

cf_attach_size = cf_attach_size * 1000  ' 단위 :byte

if attach_size > cf_attach_size   then

popup_msg("첨부파일의 크기는" &cf_attach_size& " 미만입니다")


end if

i= instrrev(userfile,"\")+1

userfile_name=idx & "_" & mid(userfile,i)    '실제 파일명 + 인덱스



set fso=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")


file1=path& "\" & userfile_name

'동일 파일 존재 확인

    if fso.fileexists(file1) then

popup_msg("동일한 이름의 파일이 이미 존재합니다.")


end if

'파일 사이즈 단위 변경

'if attach_size > 1024 then

'attach_size=formatnumber(attach_size /1024 , 2 )&"   KB"


'attach_size=attach_size&"   byte"

'end if

'attach_size=formatnumber(attach_size / 1024,2)

uppath=path& "\" &userfile_name


file_upload2 = userfile_name

end function

' 파일관련 끝



' DB관련 끝

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 코드구하기

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_code_nm(cd)

sql = "select nm from "&cf_table_cod_nm&" where cd='" &cd& "'"

set get_rs = conn.execute(sql)

if not get_rs.eof then

nm = get_rs(0)

end if

set get_rs = nothing

get_code_nm = nm

end function

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 셀렉트박스

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub mk_select_option(sql,value,name,op,res)

response.write "<select name='"&name&"' "&op&">"

if res <> "" then

response.write "<option value='' >" & res & "</option>"

end if

set mk_rs = conn.execute(sql)

while not mk_rs.eof

my_cd = mk_rs(0)

my_nm = mk_rs(1)

tm_selected = ""

if Cstr(my_cd) = Cstr(value) then tm_selected = "selected"

response.write "<option value='" &my_cd& "' " &tm_selected& ">" &my_nm& "</option>"



set mk_rs = nothing

response.write "</select>"

end sub

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 셀렉트박스

'# op : 옵션 , name : 이름 , code : 종합코드gb , value : 값 , res :초기값

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub mk_select_option2(name,code,value,op,res)

response.write "<select name='"&name&"' "&op&">"

if res <> "" then

response.write "<option value='' >" & res & "</option>"


end if

sql = "select cd,nm from "&cf_table_cod_nm&" where gb='"&code&"' and cd >= '"& cf_cook_level &"' order by con_cd asc,nm_desc,nm"

set mk_rs = conn.execute(sql)

while not mk_rs.eof

my_cd = mk_rs(0)

my_nm = mk_rs(1)

tm_selected = ""

if Cstr(my_cd) = Cstr(value) then tm_selected = "selected"

response.write "<option value='" &my_cd& "' " &tm_selected& ">" &my_nm& "</option>"



set mk_rs = nothing

response.write "</select>"

end sub

' *---  셀렉트박스 채우기  ---*

'op : 옵션

'name : 이름, code : 종합코드gb, value : 값

sub mk_select_option3(name,code,value,op)

response.write "<select name='"&name&"' "&op&">"

sql = "select cd,nm from "&cf_table_cod_nm&" where gb='"&code&"' and cd >= '"& cf_cook_level &"'  order by nm_desc,nm"

set mk_rs = conn.execute(sql)

while not mk_rs.eof

my_cd = mk_rs(0)

my_nm = mk_rs(1)

tm_selected = ""

if Cstr(my_cd) = Cstr(value) then tm_selected = "selected"

response.write "<option value='" &my_cd& "' " &tm_selected& ">" &my_nm& "</option>"



set mk_rs = nothing

response.write "</select>"

end sub

' *---  셀렉트박스 채우기  ---*

sub mk_select_option4(sql,value)

set mk_rs = conn.execute(sql)

while not mk_rs.eof

my_cd = mk_rs(0)

my_nm = mk_rs(1)

tm_selected = ""

if Cstr(my_cd) = Cstr(value) then tm_selected = "selected"

response.write "<option value='" &my_cd& "' " &tm_selected& ">" &my_nm& "</option>"



set mk_rs = nothing

end sub

' DB관련 끝



' 쇼핑몰 관련

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# 쇼핑몰 이미지 가져오기

'# field 가져올 필드 it_no : 쇼핑몰 NO 값

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_shop_img(field,it_no)

sql3 = "select "&field& " from "& cf_table_img_nm & " WHERE SH_NO='"& it_no &"'"

set rs3 = conn.execute(sql3)

tm_name = ""

if not rs3.eof then

tm_name = rs3(0)

end if

get_shop_img = tm_name

end function

function file_check(file)

set fso=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

if fso.fileexists(file) then

tm_v = 1


tm_v = 0

end if

set fso=nothing

file_check = tm_v

end function

sub get_shop_option(name,sh_option)

tm_split = split(sh_option,"@")

response.write "<select name='"&name&"'>"

for i = 0 to ubound(tm_split)

response.write "<option value='"&tm_split(i)&"'>"&tm_split(i)&"</option>"


response.write "</select>"

end sub

' 쇼핑몰관련 끝


'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'# sms 발송 결과

'# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function sms_result(result)

dim errorCode

dim errorMSG

dim smsID

result = mid(result,10)

if (mid(result,1,6) = "ERROR:") then

errorCode = mid(result,7,4)

errorMSG = mid(result,11,100)

elseif (mid(result,1,6) = "SMSID:") then


end if

sms_result = errorCode&"^^"&errorMSG&"^^"&smsID

end function

function get_cust_id_value(g_cust_id)

sql = "SELECT CUST_ID FROM BVCM_CUST_T WHERE CUST_ID = '" &g_cust_id & "'"


   'OCIFetchInto(stmt,&arr,OCI_NUM + OCI_RETURN_NULLS)



if arr = g_cust_id then

'return arr[0]



'return g_cust_id


end if


end function

function cust_id_check(G_CM_ID,PHP_AUTH_USER)

'if PHP_AUTH_USER then

'else if G_CM_ID="" then

' error("NO_ACCESS_CUST_ID")

'end if

end function

function auth_user_check(PHP_AUTH_USER)

if PHP_AUTH_USER<>"" then


end if

end function

function get_button_value(uri)

BUTTON_VALUE_POST      = "글 쓰 기"


BUTTON_VALUE_REPLY     = "답변 글쓰기"



select case uri

    case "postform"

button_value = BUTTON_VALUE_POST

case "postform1"

button_value = BUTTON_VALUE_POST

  case "modifyform"

button_value = BUTTON_VALUE_MODIFY

  case "replyform"

button_value = BUTTON_VALUE_REPLY

    case "deleteform"

button_value = BUTTON_VALUE_DELETE

    case "reset"

button_value = BUTTON_VALUE_RESET

    case else

   end select


end function

function print_title_image(code)

   img_title = code & ".gif"

   'echo("<center><img src=\"img_title\" border=0></center><p>")

    response.write("<center><Img src=" &img_title& " border=0></center><p>")

end function

function error(errcode)

select case errcode

case "DB_ERROR"

popup_msg("입력하신 연락처는 허용되지 않는 문자입니다.\n\n 다시 입력하여 주십시오.")


         popup_msg("등록고객이 아닙니다. \n\n 등록 고객만 수정 삭제가 가능합니다.")

case "MAX_ERROR"

         popup_msg("입력하신 종목명은  등록되지 않은 종목명 입니다.\n\n먼저 종목등록신청에서 등록하여 주십시오.")

' case ("NO_ACCESS_CUST_ID_NEW") :

     '    popup_msg("가입해지된 사용자입니다. \\n\\n다시 회원가입후 사용하여 주십시오. ")

'echo("<a href=\"/login/login.html\"><font size=2>회원등록</font></a>)")")

     case else

   end select

end function

' *---  과정정보찾기  ---*

function get_code_con_cd(cd)

sql = "select con_cd from "&cf_table_cod_nm&" where cd='" &cd& "'"

set get_rs = conn.execute(sql)

if not get_rs.eof then

nm = get_rs(0)

end if

set get_rs = nothing

get_code_con_cd = nm

end function

Public Function URLDecode(URLStr)

    Dim sURL                '** 입력받은 URL 문자열

    Dim sBuffer             '** Decoding 중의 URL 을 담을 Buffer 문자열

    Dim cChar               '** URL 문자열 중의 현재 Index 의 문자

    Dim Index

On Error Resume Next


    sURL = Trim(URLStr)     '** URL 문자열을 얻는다.

    sBuffer = ""            '** 임시 Buffer 용 문자열 변수 초기화.


    '* URL Decoding 작업


    Index = 1

    Do While Index <= Len(sURL)

        cChar = Mid(sURL, Index, 1)

        If cChar = "+" Then

            '** '+' 문자 :: ' ' 로 대체하여 Buffer 문자열에 추가한다.

            sBuffer = sBuffer & " "

            Index = Index + 1

        ElseIf cChar = "%" Then

            '** '%' 문자 :: Decoding 하여 Buffer 문자열에 추가한다.

            cChar = Mid(sURL, Index + 1, 2)

            If CInt("&H" & cChar) < &H80 Then

                '** 일반 ASCII 문자

                sBuffer = sBuffer & Chr(CInt("&H" & cChar))

                Index = Index + 3


                '** 2 Byte 한글 문자

                cChar = Replace(Mid(sURL, Index + 1, 5), "%", "")

                sBuffer = sBuffer & Chr(CInt("&H" & cChar))

                Index = Index + 6

            End If


            '** 그 외의 일반 문자들 :: Buffer 문자열에 추가한다.

            sBuffer = sBuffer & cChar

            Index = Index + 1

        End If


    '** Error 처리

    If Err.Number > 0 Then

        URLDecode = ""

        Exit Function

    End If

    '** 결과를 리턴한다.

    URLDecode = sBuffer

    Exit Function

End Function


' 이미지 크기 얻는 함수 GetImageSize(물리적경로)


Function GetImageSize(Virtual_Image_Path, limit_width)

    Dim objPic

    dim retVal(2)

    Set objPic = LoadPicture(Virtual_Image_Path)

img_Width = CLng(CDbl(objPic.Width) * 24 / 635)

 img_Height = CLng(CDbl(objPic.Height) * 24 / 635)

If (img_Width > limit_width) then

imgWidth = limit_width

imgHeight = img_Height *( limit_width / img_Width)


imgWidth = img_Width

 imgHeight = img_Height

end if

' imgHeight = CLng(CDbl(objPic.Height) * 24 / 635)

    Set objPic = Nothing

    retVal(0) = imgWidth

    retVal(1) = imgHeight


End Function

function SQL_Injection( get_String )

   get_String = REPLACE( get_String, "'", "''" )

   'get_String = REPLACE( get_String, ";", ";;" )

   'get_String = REPLACE( get_String, "and", "", 1, -1, 1 )

   get_String = REPLACE( get_String, "--", "" )

   get_String = REPLACE( get_String, "sp_", "", 1, -1, 1 )

   get_String = REPLACE( get_String, "xp_", "", 1, -1, 1 )

   get_String = REPLACE( get_String, "select", "", 1, -1, 1 )

   get_String = REPLACE( get_String, "insert", "", 1, -1, 1 )

   get_String = REPLACE( get_String, "update", "", 1, -1, 1 )

   get_String = REPLACE( get_String, "delete", "", 1, -1, 1 )

   get_String = REPLACE( get_String, "union", "", 1, -1, 1 )

   get_String = REPLACE( get_String, "exec", "", 1, -1, 1 )

   get_String = REPLACE( get_String, "sysobject", "", 1, -1, 1 )

   get_String = REPLACE( get_String, "1=1", "", 1, -1, 1 )

   SQL_Injection = get_String

end function

'확장자 체크

function ext_check(ext)

redim allow_ext(17)

allow_ext(0) = "jpg"

allow_ext(1) = "jpeg"

allow_ext(2) = "gif"

allow_ext(3) = "png"

allow_ext(4) = "hwp"

allow_ext(5) = "xls"

allow_ext(6) = "xlsx"

allow_ext(7) = "doc"

allow_ext(8) = "docx"

allow_ext(9) = "bmp"

allow_ext(10) = "zip"

allow_ext(11) = "ppt"

allow_ext(12) = "pptx"

allow_ext(13) = "txt"

allow_ext(14) = "avi"

allow_ext(15) = "wmv"

allow_ext(16) = "asf"

if in_array(LCase(ext), allow_ext) = true then 

ext_check = true


ext_check = false

end if

end function 

'배열에 포함‰榮쩝?확인

Function in_array(element, arr)

 For i=0 To Ubound(arr)

 If Trim(arr(i)) = Trim(element) Then

     in_array = True

     Exit Function


     in_array = False

 End If 


End Function

function get_vote_result(p_no,ps_no,pi_no)

t_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CM_VOTE_LOG WHERE P_NO ='"&p_no&"' AND PS_NO = '"&ps_no&"' "

set t_rs = conn.execute(t_sql)

total = t_rs(0)

set t_rs = nothing

sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CM_VOTE_LOG WHERE P_NO ='"&p_no&"' AND PS_NO = '"&ps_no&"' AND PI_NO = '"&pi_no&"' "

set get_rs = conn.execute(sql)

my_value = get_rs(0)

set get_rs = nothing

if total = 0 then 

get_vote_result = 0


get_vote_result = my_value/total *100

end if

end function

function get_cate_nm(no)

sql = "select CATE_NM from CM_NEWS_CATE where NO='"&no&"'"

set get_rs = conn.execute(sql)

if not get_rs.eof then

my_value = get_rs(0)

end if

set get_rs = nothing

get_cate_nm = my_value

end function

function get_cate_img(no)

sql = "select CATE_NM from CM_NEWS_CATE where NO='"&no&"'"

set get_rs = conn.execute(sql)

if not get_rs.eof then

my_value = get_rs(0)

end if

tm_img = ""

' 이미지라 강제로 박음

select case no

case "1"

tm_img = "list_t1.gif"

case "4"

tm_img = "list_t2.gif"

case "5"

tm_img = "list_t3.gif"

case "6"

tm_img = "list_t4.gif"

case "7"

tm_img = "list_t5.gif"

case "8"

tm_img = "list_t6.gif"

case "9"

tm_img = "list_t7.gif"

end select

set get_rs = nothing

get_cate_img = "<img src=""/images/contents/"&tm_img&""" alt="""&my_value&""" />"

end function

function get_a_site(cate_no)

select case cate_no

case "1"

tm_a_site = "2_0"

case "4"

tm_a_site = "3_0"

case "5"

tm_a_site = "4_0"

case "6"

tm_a_site = "6_0"

case "7"

tm_a_site = "5_0"

case "8"

tm_a_site = "4_0"

case "9"

tm_a_site = "8_0"

end select

get_a_site = tm_a_site

end function

function eregi_replace(pattern, replace, text)

 Dim eregObj:

 Set eregObj = New RegExp:

 eregObj.Pattern = pattern: '//패턴 설정

 eregObj.IgnoreCase = True: '//대소문자 구분 여부

 eregObj.Global = True: '//전체 문서에서 검색

 eregi_replace = eregObj.Replace(text, replace): '//Replace String

End function

'//허용태그 외의 모든 태그제거 함수

function strip_tags(str,allowtags)

 Dim content:

 Dim tags:

 content = str:

 tags = replace(allowtags,",","|"):

 content = eregi_replace("<(\/?)(?!\/|" & tags & ")([^<>]*)?>", "", content):

 content = eregi_replace("(javascript\:|vbscript\:)+","",content):

 content = eregi_replace("(\.location|location\.|onload=|\.cookie|alert\(|window\.open\(|onmouse|onkey|onclick|view\-source\:)+","//",content): '//자바스크립트 실행방지

 strip_tags = content:

End function

